Colonial Beach iPhone Repair

iPhone Charging Port Repair

Charging Port Cleaning is $20 for all iPhone models

Charging Port Replacement varies per model, but starts at $98

Most customers visiting for charging port repair or replacement, only actually need charging port cleaning.

In some cases, customers attempt to clean the port themselves and do very serious damage to the delicate contacts within

We highly recommend that you do not wiggle or put pressure on your cable to "fix" charging issues

We recommend that you do not attempt to clean the port at home with a pick or chemicals

Our iPhone Charging Port Repair and Cleaning Service offers a fast and affordable solution for fixing any charging issues you may be facing with your device. Our experienced technicians will carefully clean and repair the charging port, ensuring it's free of debris and any damages, and get your phone back to working like new. With this service, you can say goodbye to the frustration of a dead battery and hello to a fully charged iPhone, ready to tackle all your daily tasks. Get in touch with us today to book your appointment!